7 results for author: Emile den Tex

Playing chess against the Transformer

We trained a Transformer autoregressive language model to learn to play chess; read on to find out how the experiment played out. Our goal was to provide insights into the type of learning Transformers are capable of, beyond the well-known text generation examples we’ve seen before. The transformer architecture Even if you don’t follow the field of Natural Language Processing, you’ve probably heard of the Transformer by now: a neural network architecture that relies on an attention mechanism to understand sequential data. Although not necessarily restricted to text generation, the Transformer has caused a disruption in the NLP ...

Modeling common sense with ConceptNet

To understand semantic connections between words in human language (e.g. what do apples have in common with oranges?), AI researchers have explored a wide range of strategies during the previous decades. Ontologies such as WordNet were constructed to represent knowledge about the meaning of words. In a broader sense these ontologies aim at representing the structure of the world itself. Such databases have supported classic AI interfaces like question ↔ answer systems. ConceptNet is a member of the family of semantic databases but it takes a more ‘fuzzy’ approach. It does not (necessarily) attempt to paint a true and scientifically valid ...

Emotion recognition for study into populist radical right

InterTextueel is glad to announce its cooperation in a project which will allow us to further improve our sentiment recognition tool for social and political research. Ernst van den Hemel (University of Utrecht) is studying the nature of postsecular society in Europe. He will present a paper in July on the position of religion in populist radical right at the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion (University of Oxford). He has asked our assistance in helping prepare a dataset and applying automated emotion recognition on it. At the time of writing, we have only taken the first steps to gather data and discuss the basic outline of his research, ...

What emotion was intended, then?

Studies have shown even humans amongst each other frequently disagree about whether a sentence expresses a certain sentiment, and when it does, what type of sentiment it is. Ideally, we want to develop a system where the AI’s judgement agrees as much as possible with average human opinion. By studying the cases where assigning emotions to text is problematic, we can systematically improve our emotion recognition service.

Sentiment analysis with PHP

PHP is easily one of the worlds most popular (web)scripting languages, right beside JavaScript, and functions as the backend language for billions of websites. Because a lot of web applications are deployed in a PHP-only environment, being able to do sentiment analysis from within PHP (and with text data flowing into your application from various sources) may be an absolute requirement for you. Fortunately the InterTextueel emotion recognition API allows you to do such sentiment analysis in real-time.

Emotion recognition

InterTextueel launches a new tool to recognize universal emotions in texts. The sentiment analysis service differs from traditional approaches which restrict search to positive or negative signals. Our emotion recognition software provides users with a more fine-grained idear of the mood of a text. Our methodology is knowledge-based and grammar-based and we are using intelligent techniques to detect false positives. Customers can deliver us their own text corpus or dataset and we will create new lexicons for them and fine-tune our algorithm to better match their specific domain and requirements.